when the truth is so true it's illegal to question it
>I'm pretty much all-the-way disabused of this "turn the other cheek" notion.
you've most likely been taught a perversion of that incident.
In that time it was law that a person must 'make way for' and kneel to one knee in deference to roman soldiers and others when passing them in the street. If a person didn't 'make way' and kneel they'd be struck, usually a slap across the face. After being struck most would immediately kneel. turn the other cheek doesn't mean yield meekly, it means do not kneel Much like Ghandi's passive resistance. You do not raise a hand in defense, but you do not yield, do not kneel.
>mfw the texts & parables have been mis-translated and corrupted for millennia
what a lovely collection of croutons
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