Anonymous ID: 8b62c9 March 1, 2021, 9:16 a.m. No.13079546   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9630


the kid in Flight of the Navigator went on to rob a bank

Cramer began to run into conflict with legal authorities, and on May 1, 2016, he was arrested by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in Sechelt, located about 30 miles northwest of Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada), in relation to a local bank robbery that occurred on April, 28. On June 8, 2016, he pleaded guilty to charges of robbing a bank, wearing a disguise to commit a crime, fleeing the police and dangerous driving.


In 2018, production began on a feature documentary of his life, Life After the Navigator (2020), directed by Lisa Downs, released worldwide November 2020.

Anonymous ID: 8b62c9 March 1, 2021, 9:25 a.m. No.13079630   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9715


Cramer received a Saturn Awardnomination for his performance in the film, but sadly, despite a handful of subsequent roles in films and TV shows, he would never again come close to replicating the success he found playing a space ship navigator.

After quitting acting in the late 1990s, Cramer began working in a sports shop on Canada’s Sunshine Coast, but a decade or so later he would sadly start falling afoul of the local authorities.

In 2008 Cramer received three months’ probation for careless storage of a gun, and later that same year he was sentenced to six months in prison for possession of narcotics with the intention of trafficking.

His misdemeanors didn’t end there though, because in 2011 Cramer was also imprisoned for another 30 days for threatening behaviour with a weapon.

Sadly things didn’t get any better in the years that followed, because in 2016 Cramer was sentenced to another two years in prison after pleading guilty to robbing a bank, wearing a disguise in order to commit a crime, fleeing police and dangerous driving.


One small ray of light is hearing that as part of his conviction, Cramer was required to attend a drug rehabilitation centre and counselling sessions. We’re sure that like us, you wish him all the best indealing with his demons.

his pedo movie director was exec producer of "life after navigator"

(pic rel)

handling by handlers

didn't need this kid running his mouth

looks like they ruined his life
