Obviously the "Pentagon" was a/the "Target"…the question is "NOT" what hit the "Pentagon"…but what were they trying to destroy, what offices/information were they trying to make go away (vanish)…the "Pentagon" is pretty big…so, why did (whatever hit it) it hit at that spot and no other area…was it on purpose or random???
anyone got a list of what offices were destroyed at the "Pentagon" or was it "Classified"???
ooops, forgot a gif file
probably a photoshop…but I posted for the boobies.
Serenity Prayer
God grant me theSerenityTo accept the things I cannot change;Courageto change the things I can; AndWisdomto know the difference.
Living one day at a time;Enjoyingone moment at a time;Acceptinghardships as the pathway to peace;
Takingas He did, this sinful world As it is, not as I would have it;Trustingthat He will make things right
If I surrender to His Will; So that I may be reasonably happy in this life
And supremely happy with Him Forever and ever in the next.
go get them Jay!!!
Two more years of this shit…NO…they are just moving the "Goal Posts"….AGAIN!!!
I was watching Austin Powers, the spy that shagged me…they are throwing in our faces…
Let's see, you have…Space Wars….Robots….Clones…."Get in my belly" as he yells at the mini me thinking it's a baby….kek…and to top it off….you have…Dr. Evil and his Son…they have a their operation on a fucking….Island…kek..
Nice…Notable…title…Kim.dot.com….caught in the web!!!
Baker…you skipped #16658!!!
ooops…it's a good thing someone was paying attention…my bad…good baker skills on you…o7