>>13083557 LB
>>13083582 LB
Nursing homes, not hospices.
But at the end, even you will die as it is the sure thing in life after been born.
Words from a NSA insider, I suppose.
Well, I am assuming that you are someone inside the NSA to say this.
Do you seriously think that all normies know about this?
When was the last time you went out into the world to talk to normies?
There is a reason why all this "it needs to be shown" has to happen. Most normies don't know.
Not a question of sitting back, but a question of making sure that this information is going out and reaching people.
The other option is to keep lurking the boards and complain that nothing is happening.
And what exactly do you think qresearch is about?
Apart from discovering about all the shite going on in the world, about the suffering of children, about modern slavery, control, lies, et al, what the fuck do you do to help the situation, apart from complaining?
Come here an say that no one is doing anything?
Make sure you contribute with your fare share on this endeavor, or fuck off. And I only say this to you because I do do my fare share.