~~Freedom of expression~~
~~Freedom of speech~~
~~Freedom of assembly~~
~~Right to vote~~
~~Freedom from searches and seizures~~
~~Secure in your belongings~~
~~Right to bear arms~~
~~Right to privacy~~
~~Free and Open Market~~
~~Freedom of Religion~~
~~Freedom of Travel~~
~~Right to an education for our kids~~
~~Energy Indepedant~~
~~An End to Endless Wars~~
~~Representation for our Taxation~~
~~Freedom from the Government taking your kids if you refuse to put them on puberty blockers~~
~~Non-political Military Force~~
~~Three Indpendant Branches of Gov.~~
~~Trust Wray~~
~~Trust Barr~~
~~TRUST Adm R.~~
~~Trust Huber~~
~~Trust Durham~~
~~Trust Kansas~~
~~Trust POTUS~~
~~Trust Sessions~~
~~Trust Dan~~
~~Trust Grassley~~
~~Trust The Plan~~
~~Elections are Safe~~
~~Senate was the Target~~
Trust must be earned.
Trust is not blind, nor is truth.
~~August 29th~~
~~November 3rd~~
~~December 25th~~
~~January 6th~~
~~January 19th~~
~~January 21st~~
~~Super Bowl~~
~~Febuary 9th~~
~~Feb. 19th~~
March 4th