How bout VVe just start "subpoena"ing
John's Hopkins
Bill & Melinda Gates (& "foundation")
[Insert here] Foundation
Everyone who bought into Clinton's self sustaining fish biod9me without even using Pauly Shore
A panel of experts play out a pandemic exercise on May 15 to demonstrate what policies and strategies the U.S. government should have in place. (Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security)
(Almost as if rewriting an opening page intro)
So began a recent day-long exercise hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. The simulation mixed details of past disasters with fictional elements to force government officials and experts to make the kinds of key decisions they could face in a real pandemic.
It was a tense day. The exercise was inspired in part by the troubled response to the Ebola epidemic of 2014, and everyone involved was acutely aware of the very real and ongoing Ebola outbreak spreading in Congo.
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