There are no threats from us … unless, of course, we run out of popcorn.
Although those dates are NOT coming from here, they DO have the effect of keeping folks in DC nervous – and crying "wolf". Either the MSM stops referring to us like this or the Normies are going to get tired of hearing about it.
Sorry they are dead, yes. But they were alive the whole time they were south of our border.
"Five governors INCLUDING Cuomo" or "FOUR governors besides Cuomo." Either is correct.
Not if you are driving from Tijuana.
I also read a couple of them. It was chaotic and the final one was the Navy SEAL / 300 confirmed kills pasta.
Proof that he should never have been named Pope.
I have an idea … how about not getting drunk at parties?
Just a thought. Girls, who are already vulnerable when sober are especially vulnerable drunk and passed out. AND THEY KNOW IT.