Anonymous ID: 4bdd6c May 5, 2018, 11:34 a.m. No.1309553   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ha, well really, I'm just a nerd :)


REPOSTAN because it was the end of the bread:



What I did was check MasterArchivist' site and he left off at #722, so I just took it upon myself to do the rest (from /qresearch/ general thread #723 on to the present). I will contact him (MA) and let him know where to find the info so he can just copypasta into his site (amazing, invaluable resource!!).


Unfortunately, I only realized had zip files for the threads about 500 threads in -ugh, but I will go back and link those into the sheet to save him some additional work.


He had also uploaded the zip files to anonfiles, but I'm going to let him take care of that bit.


The spreadsheet I created 2 days ago is really to fill in where MA left off, not to be the entire corpus of Q's posts, just to clarify. Sorry if I didn't make that clear before…


I was just quite alarmed when I saw that MA had left off and things weren't being archived in that format anymore, though Germananon (who rawks!) so that is another resource in a different format - always good to have redundancy in different formats, some people like it one way some like it another.

Anonymous ID: 4bdd6c May 5, 2018, 11:45 a.m. No.1309607   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9672 >>0030


>may i suggest adding the MA archives link in your spreadsheet?

Sure absolutely, I'll add that at the very top with a link and short blurb about the purpose, too.


Where would we be without accurate records of all of this? That's what I ask myself. Anons from the very beginning will remember how there was suddenly the proliferation of fake Qs, leading to Q deciding to get a tripcode. I had a similar experience (assholes giving bad info/lying/being worse than zombieniggercancerebolaAIDSfaggots) so I used a tripcode for a little while too (so fucking glad that's over!). So, at that early point, Q's first post with a tripcode, he provided an accurate graphic compilation of his actual posts (all in EST, which is why I and MA stayed with that - DC is in EST, so is Pentagon, etc.). Thus began the ability to keep accurate records (per Q) of his genuine posts, and to be able to weed out/ignore the fakers & imposters (bold tripcodeQfakes). In addition, it limits the ability of bad actors to create fakes and portray Q's posts as something they are not/didn't say, swap real pics for things he never posted). This is absolutely crucial and something that weighs heavily.

And keeping the records, clear, complete and accurate in different formats, gives anons and normalfags multiple resources to make their own side-by-sides or other graphics (and keep a layer between them and our workspace).

Honestly, I'm much better at researching, but I volunteered to help on the 1st spreadsheet and so I feel obligated to keep it up and help all the other record-keepers as well (we had pastebintxt anon for a while, don't know if that's still kept up).

Every one of us cares deeply to make each format is correct, complete and available.

What a team, I'm so humbled and honored to be able to serve with such great people from around the world in this little way

Anonymous ID: 4bdd6c May 5, 2018, 12:07 p.m. No.1309748   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9791


I have to say I like the screencaps better than just making screenshots on because, while that codefag has provided an invaluable service to us all, actual native screenshots, as a record, have been used in the graphic compilations of Q's posts. I don't mean to be a dick about being a stickler for consistent EST but that seems easiest and most consistent (since Q's original graphic comp showed EST). Anyhoo - MasterArchivist had done a fantfuckingtastic job of taking a screencap of every single one of Q's posts since the beginning, which are on his site.

I have made public galleries (offsite to avoid the images falling out of the 8ch native archiving system) by month, all with the post# as filename, and, I don't know if this is helpful to anyone (may prefer a different format idk) using the embed link option here, including the post to which Q responds to with his - see pic related (just picked at random). The exception is when he is responding to himself. So - these are available if anyone wants to use them






Does that help?

Anonymous ID: 4bdd6c May 5, 2018, 1:16 p.m. No.1310335   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Noticed that too. Yesterday and maybe this morning (I popped in and out) there was a lot of complaining about banning by BO/BV. Maybe more people got banned? I don't know/care, I don't keep up with that drama. But yes, you're right, the number, frequency and quality of posts are clearly different. Atmosphere is therefore different.

Pattern of activity changed.