Anonymous ID: 611c2b May 5, 2018, 12:13 p.m. No.1309803   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9821


Polanski's victim accuses them of bad faith or wanting to appear good without doing good.

She calls the Academy clowns out as "virtue signaling" hypocrite cunts (which they are) while at the same time opposing an investigation that might reveal how thoroughly comped Hollywood is.

I've worked here for more than 30 years and watched the luciferians the mob scientologists and nation state parties attempt to control the great symbolic messaging system that is "the entertainment industry."

What is "entertainment?"

I don't think anyone aware of how intricately and intimately connected our physical material and abstract conceptual realms are thinks that "entertainment" is of no consequence.

Drama is, has always been, about the ordering of consciousness and the conception of the self. It can act as a catalyst of that change.

One might think of "Stowe points" awarded for narrative art which prefigured or directly caused social change. Named for cheesy novelist Harriet Beecher Stowe, whose book “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” stirred sufficient numbers of a certain type of New Englander to bring about the civil war and free the slaves.

A work of dramatic art of quality may have commensurate expansive effect as Willian Shakespeare’s plays did to the consciousness of ordinary Elizabethans. Mind blowing you might say. That’s the world we live in now.

So the mission purpose of a conjectural work of dramatic entertainment would be to swiftly and with minimum distress get the rest of the country to consciousness that approximates our own, accustomed to rapid change, to some level of analysis on our own ability to distinguish what is real, true and important from what is trivial or false.

Art uses symbolic language to address the unconscious, it can help us to adapt to rapid and accelerating change by telling us our own story. To be clear I am saying art uses symbolic language to speak to your unconscious and can shape you and your future course of action.

The Mundis Imaginalis is a space, a virtual space. We call it our imagination and have been conditioned to think ‘that’s imaginary’ is synonymous with that’s not real. It is real and it has certain properties and few but instantaneously enforced laws. The land of forms, the Greeks called it. It’s where we think of things when we think. So in this place where everything we imagine exists exists, is an autonomous region of consciousness. It’s not under our conscious control. It’s the store house of the universe it’s ours, so you might call that a massive paradigm shift or a conscious bootstrapping.

A dramatic story can open all possibilities and sweeten the difficult parts, the depravity and deception with the revelation a reality far better than you think.

Unfortunately pedovores control the entertainment industry. They have deliberatly sabotaged consciousness reduced our vocabulary to 1000 words, falsified our history, mischaracterized motives and on and on. "Entertainment" is not "entertainment. It has intent. It better have good intent because it creates consciousness in its image.

What we're doing here does the same thing a narrative work of art would do for the people who cannot be here and perhaps would not understand this weird culture. Embedded in a story is a tremendous amount of complex information, it contains its own visual and conceptual aides an is a potent vehicle for transforming consciousness. The story of how the world appeared to us, and how we discovered it was different balances horror against the wondrous world now opening before us, longer healthier lives in a rapidly evolving environment and we discover who we are, why we are here and where we are going.

Also, symbolic signaling systems which address the unconscious can be used as in advertising to make people by what they don’t want or need – they can also be used destructively with popular entertainment as a vector.

Sooner we clean out the Hollywood lucies* sooner they stop poisoning our minds.

*Peking Chinese, Frank "lion's gate" Guistra, WJC’s sinister friend.