Anonymous ID: a225af May 5, 2018, 1:15 p.m. No.1310323   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Proponents on the web speak of Solfeggio Frequencies, musical notes that have great healing power. They claim that these pure sounds from antiquity can liberate us from fear, awaken our intuition, and even repair our DNA. Do specific sounds have such power? Where did these mystical frequencies come from? And what can we learn from them?


First, their claims. The idea is that certain notes found in ancient music have special uses. Pitches, or notes, are described in Hertz (abbreviated Hz), which is their frequency in cycles per second.


For example, one of the special Solfeggio frequencies is said to be 396 Hz. It sounds like this. [396 Hz] Named UT, it is supposed to be good for "liberating guilt and fear".


Next is the one called RE, at 417 Hz. [417 Hz] This is good for "undoing situations and facilitating change".


Impressed? Wait until you hear MI, at 528 Hz. It does "transformation and miracles", including DNA repair. [528 Hz]


FA, at 629 Hz, is for "connecting and relationships". [629 Hz]


SOL, at 741 Hz is for "awakening intuition". [741 Hz]


And LA, at 852 Hz, is for "returning to spiritual order". [852 Hz]