Anonymous ID: ce8946 May 5, 2018, 12:36 p.m. No.1309997   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0013

meme idea – meme makers


'Jump to Conclusions'

stupid sounding mat game from the movie "Office Space"

stupid sounding game about being stupid

(I don't make memes, but here are some images as ingredients.)


There is a sweet spot to be hit with humorous and friendly memes that jab a little bit, but totally without anger, disgust or 'narcissism.' They invite an interaction / counter-post, you come out of the exchange having been completely non-hostile or 'crazy seeming'.


[[[ Immediately add it to a 'purely informational / unfunny' post that is obviously going to be hated by the angry left. It provides humor and gives approachability to your post. It baits them to counter the original/main Q-based post because they want to counter the supposition that they are the one being unreasonable. Then with Q prediction comes true – a few will remember and find it interesting and humorous. There are many who ignore politics and will watch the interplay of pro-Trump/Q posts and Democrat/MSM posts. They are a very loud minority. Most people don't have the requisite narcissistic tendencies to buy into the 'virtue-signaling addiction'-based politic. Those who are at neither extreme will read the interaction appropriately – target reached. Their psychological routine of 'narcissism and virtue-signaling' makes the angry ignorant left very predictable. A party of zombies lacking an ethical aspect of self-awareness! ]]]