yes, but death was a definite possibility. do not suffer under the delusion of a democratic victory, prepare for war, prepare for violence and prepare for risk, loss and struggle, as it is the only path to victory. those that wish a future for white children, and to ensure the existence of our people. a finger on the hand of the body of europe. they may be able to discredit one small movement, from one nation. for once, the person that will be called a fascist, is an actual fascist. this solution of a democratic salvation is nothing but a pipe dream, and as our enemies increase within our lands, driven by mass immigration and the invaders own higher birth rate it will be pushed further and further into the realms of impossibility. why make your children fight, when you could fight in their stead? good men, the last wave by, crying how bright their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay, rage, rage against the dying of the light. so take the prison time, take the beating or even fight back. secondly an attack in new zealand would bring to attention the truth of the assault on our civilization, that no where in the world was safe, the invaders were in all of our lands, even in the remotest areas of the world and that there was no where left to go that was safe and free from mass immigration.
these greed filled bastards expect to replace our people with a race of low intellect, low agency, muddled, muddied masses just so their own wealth and power can increase. you will be revered, but only if you win. were/are you a supporter of front national? find where they are in your cities, plan your attack, destroy them.protect your people and protect your the antidote to their poison. the myth of the melting pot must end, and with it the myth of the egalitarian nation no taxes to anti-white states until our nations are run by men and women loyal to our cause taxation should be considered theft, and refusal to pay taxes a sign of racial loyalty. due to mass immigration we lack the time scale required to enact the civilizational paradigm shift we need to undertake to return to health and prosperity.