i speak for my views and my ideals, and those that support me.some may agree with them, others won ’ t. a muslim man or woman living in their homelands? no. these men and women are not being being brain-washed, corrupted or misled. cheap labour and all consuming industry are not ideals, block foreign goods from white markets break the back of cheap labour make no mistake, the major impetus for the mass importation of non-europeans into europe is the call and want for cheap labour. why you should risk nothing whilst others risk all? do you allow them to grow freely, openly, to one day bite you child as they play in their own yard? the us is torn into many factions by its second amendment, along state, social, cultural and, most importantly, racial lines. the people who are to blame most are ourselves, european men. i could no longer bring the sneer to my face, i could no longer turn my back on the violence. introduction it ’ s the birthrates. force is the only path to power and the only path to true victory.
you can not expect others do take the risks for you, nor should you wish for others to labour for you, if you are unwilling. do not pay to have your people destroyed, do not line the pockets of the traitors within our ranks, don ’ t lend support to a corrupt and broken state. they decry weakness, mock fecklessness and worship strength, and in this worship of strength they radicalize and find the solution. they are not so much born as made to be what is needed of them by the greater group thought occurring around them. this time of possible instability will also be a at a time where our potential nation enemies in the east will be reaching their own zeniths of power. if there is one thing i want you to remember from these writings, its that the birthrates must change.