Anonymous ID: 60cb5c March 5, 2021, noon No.13118480   🗄️.is 🔗kun

the enemies of our children are being born in our lands right now, even as you read this. violence is power and violence is the reality of history.wake up. but it is there our future will be made and it is there the battle for our peoples future will be fought. mass immigration and the higher fertility rates of the immigrants themselves are causing this increase in population. the great replacement do not go gentle into that good night, old age should burn and rave at close of day; rage, rage against the dying of the light. you will find no reprieve, not in iceland, not in poland, not in new zealand, not in argentina, not in ukraine, not anywhere in the world. so no, i don ’ t believe so. it ’ s profit, and profit alone that drives them, all else is secondary. the countryside can wait, the cities need you, your youth needs you. the countrysides are already ours, as they have always been. who decided to take a stand to ensure a future for my people.


europa rises we attack as soon as possible, we attack with force and we achieve stability and play defense as the boomers pass, not during their passing, not after. all in the hopes of a peaceful death? it is far better to encourage radical, violent change regardless of its origins. i worked for a short time before making some money investing in bitconnect, then used the money from the investment to travel. finally, to create conflict between the two ideologies within the united states on the ownership of firearms in order to further the social, cultural, political and racial divide within the united states.this conflict over the 2 nd amendment and the attempted removal of firearms rights will ultimately result in a civil war that will eventually balkanize the us along political, cultural and, most importantly, racial lines.

Anonymous ID: 60cb5c March 5, 2021, 12:03 p.m. No.13119169   🗄️.is 🔗kun

europes value is in the european people the time after the baby boomers have passed isn't the time to start acting, but the time we should be finishing our victory. there is no nation in the world that wasn ’ t founded by, or maintained by, the use of force. they are not so much born as made to be what is needed of them by the greater group thought occurring around them. but they will not accept this death. no one will willfully join the decay green nationalism is the only true nationalism there is no conservatism without nature, there is no nationalism without environmentalism, the natural environment of our lands shaped us just as we shaped it. there is no traditionalism without environmentalism kill high profile enemies there are well known enemies of our nations, enemies of our race that freely walk through our societies, heads held high, believing themselves untouchable. they are not so much born as made to be what is needed of them by the greater group thought occurring around them. hell, even meme. what do you want? are you a fed/shill/mossad agent/false flag/patsy/infiltrator/antifa/glow in the dark etc? blitz to dominant positions all true movements are populist movements while the movement itself, at least in the vanguard stage, does not need to have the support of the entire population, eventually we will need our people to join our new society, and voluntarily.


i am not a direct member of any organization or group, though i have donated to many nationalist groups and have interacted with many more. no, but the next person to attack could be, so a healthy scepticism is a good thing. what nations do we have to conserve? but do not pay taxes to anti-whites. i expect to be freed in 27 years from my incarceration, the same number of years as mandela, for the same crime. kill your local anti-white ceo protect your people, remove the poison poison sellers and toxin spreaders are free to proliferate their baneful products completely unchecked by law or society.

Anonymous ID: 60cb5c March 5, 2021, 12:04 p.m. No.13119278   🗄️.is 🔗kun

in every country, on every continent, those that are in the minority are oppressed. ignore the naysayers and weasels who will always repeat “ not now! when they demand you pay, refuse. no. let us all weep for our faults that raise the divine ire, yes, let us weep… but let not our tears be like the seed thrown into the sand. there is no nation in the world that wasn ’ t founded by, or maintained by, the use of force. finally i would like to send a message to the perpetrators of these attacks, and their families. over a great deal of time, from a great deal of places. also, relying on this time period for our victory holds a second major disadvantage, that being vulnerability to foreign invasion, most likely from the east, specifically china; turkey; india or some combination of the three. whether they are a political minority and therefore lose the control of the majority of power, and thus lose control of the laws and regulations that define public life or those that are the cultural minority find that art in all its forms is created and controlled by a different audience, from a different people from a different history, with differing ideals and experiences and therefore they find themselves isolated, excluded and removed from the creation of contemporary culture. why were we allowing the invaders to conquer us?


blitz to dominant positions all true movements are populist movements while the movement itself, at least in the vanguard stage, does not need to have the support of the entire population, eventually we will need our people to join our new society, and voluntarily. the united states is one of the most diverse nations on earth, and they are about an inch away from tearing each other to pieces. where they are removed to is not our concern, or responsibility. haplogroups, phenotypes and globalized testing. do not expect to survive, the only thing you should expect is a true war and to die the death of a true soldier. were/are you a “ islamophobe ”?

>europe is only europe because of its combined genetic, cultural and linguistic heritage.