Anonymous ID: 6e7006 March 5, 2021, 11:59 a.m. No.13118291   🗄️.is 🔗kun

what is an australian but a drunk european? every human is worth only their own value, no more or less. the origins of my language is european, my culture is european, my political beliefs are european, my philosophical beliefs are european, my identity is european and, most importantly, my blood is european. in the fell clutch of circumstance i have not winced nor cried aloud. no one person in particular, i support many groups but i am a member of none. to christians “ the people worthy of glory, the people blessed by god our lord, moan and fall under the weight of these outrages and most shameful humiliations. they are finally removing their blindfolds and seeing the reality of the the world and their peoples future. household flour, a method of dispersion and an ignition source.a ballpeen hammer and a wooden shield.gas, fire, vehicular attacks, plane attacks, any means were available. there is not a single place left where the tendrils of replacement migration have not touched. it will be distasteful, it will be damaging to the soul, but know that it is necessary and any invader you spare, no matter the age, will one day be an enemy your people must face. they are no innocents in an invasion, all those who colonize other peoples lands share guilt.


without children, there is no future there is no democratic solution understand here and now, there is no democratic solution, any attempt to vote your way out of ethnic replacement will be met with at first with derision, then contempt and finally by force. this is ethnic replacement. strong men do not get ethnically replaced, strong men do not allow their culture to degrade, strong men do not allow their people to die. find where they are in your cities, plan your attack, destroy them.protect your people and protect your the antidote to their poison. in this tempest of conflict is where will be strike, a strong, unified, ethnically and culturally focused pro-white, pro-european group will be everything the average white family need and long for. no, i simply do not care all that much what gay people long as they are loyal to their people and place their peoples well being first, then i have no issues.

Anonymous ID: 6e7006 March 5, 2021, 12:01 p.m. No.13118599   🗄️.is 🔗kun

move as one, full support for brother nations accept death, embrace infamy death is certain, you may die in service to some grand crusade or pass away in a hospice, either way you will die. it wasn ’ t even close. no, actual nazis do not exist.they haven ’ t been a political or social force anywhere in the world for more than 60 years. nothing else will do. the truth that they are rapidly becoming, not just a global minority, but a minority within their own lands. did the groups you support/are aligned with order or promote your attack? it is spoken like a mantra and repeated ad infinitum “ diversity is our greatest strength, diversity is our greatest strength, diversity is our greatest strength… ”. it should come as no shock that european men, in every nation, and on every continent are turning to radical notions and methods to combat the social and moral decay of their nations and the continued ethnic replacement of their people. survival was a better alternative to death in order to further spread my ideals by media coverage and to deplete resources from the state by my own imprisonment. -invictis by william ernest henley there is only one victory, but many defeats. western culture is trivialized, pulped and blended into a smear of meaningless nothing, with the only tenets and beliefs seemingly held to are the myth of the individual, the value of work (productivity for the benefit of your capitalist owners) and the sovereignty of private property (to ensure none of us get grand ideas of taking the unearned wealth of our owners).


section i addresses to various groups it was not part of their blood, it came to them very late, with long arrears to make good, when the saxon began to hate. the enemies of our children are being born in our lands right now, even as you read this. no, there isn ’ t a successful, influential grand movement established just yet, and no leading organizations, so there is no great structure created that could be brought to harm. those that are ethnically and culturally european. be creative, be expressive, be emotional and above all be passionate. why did you carry out the attack?

Anonymous ID: 6e7006 March 5, 2021, 12:02 p.m. No.13118800   🗄️.is 🔗kun

a a one-point-seven percentage point difference may mean something to a few, but a ingeniously worded expression or brilliantly crafted poster will convince the many. where there is a will, there is a way. this pakistani muslim invader now sits as representative for the people of london. no, i spent many years travelling through many, many nations. rage, rage against the dying of the light. what does it seek to conserve? as these baby boomers pass on and leave us behind, there will be a rapid and obvious change in the demographic make up of our nations, both statistically and socially. unity, purpose, trust, traditions, nationalism and racial nationalism is what provides strength. we do not have the birth rates to fight them at their game, nor should we as it is ultimately destructive to nature and i took matters into my own hands. to survive with our culture, but to lose our lands, to lose our future, is a defeat. if they flee we will follow them, if they hide we will find them, if they try to shield themselves behind the state we will break through and reach them.


how this worked in reality, well…only you know. that should surprise no one. were/are you a supporter of brexit? the attack was to ensure a preservation of beauty, art and tradition. what gives a nation strength? ethnic autonomy?

Anonymous ID: 6e7006 March 5, 2021, 12:03 p.m. No.13119227   🗄️.is 🔗kun

diversity by its very definition belies equality. were/are you a supporter of donald trump? fertility rates are innately tied to race, so yes. you are a bigot, racist, xenophobe, islamophobe, nazi, fascist! without a single shot fired in response? more recently i have been working part time as a kebab removalist. the notion of a racial future or destiny is as foreign to them as social responsibilities. conservatism is dead, thank god. suicidal, nihilistic and degenerate pop icons produced from a dead culture: michael jackson (pedophile, self hating, self mutilating, opiod addict); madonna (degenerate, drug addict, childless, whore, anti-christian, pro miscegenation) kurt cobain (suicidal, drug addict, self hater, anti-social), freddy mercury (lifelong identity crisis, lifelong battle with hedonism and drug use, eventual death due to sexual hedonism) just to name a few.empty nurseries, full casinos, empty churches and full mosques, entropy in blitzspeed.politicians writ in the same ink as eligabolus, worshiping all that is foreign, poisonous and subversive. when anyone can be a german, a brit, a frenchmen, then being european has truly lost all meaning make no mistake, the erosion of local and national identity has no come about by accident, it is a concerted and targeted effort against the european people. this balkanization of the us will not only result in the racial separation of the people within the united states ensuring the future of the white race on the north american continent, but also ensuring the death of the “ melting pot ” pipe dream.


i'll have you know i graduated top of my class in the navy seals, and i've been involved in numerous secret raids on al-quaeda, and i have over 300 confirmed kills. despite how many of you may feel living amongst the pollution, amongst the cultural filth, crammed into tiny apartments in the city sprawls, far flung from mans natural environment. fortnite trained me to be a killer and to floss on the corpses of my enemies. perhaps you could tap out, lay down, lick the boots of your occupiers and pray they will let you be comfortable, if only for a little while. these i hate. break it ’ s back, anyway you can.

>were/are you a supporter of brexit?

Anonymous ID: 6e7006 March 5, 2021, 12:04 p.m. No.13119483   🗄️.is 🔗kun

not by the maneuvers of the lobbies and the parliaments and the congresses, it will come under the stress of necessity. not a thing has been conserved other than corporate profits and the the ever increasing wealth of the 1 % that exploit the people for their own benefit. in this tempest of conflict is where will be strike, a strong, unified, ethnically and culturally focused pro-white, pro-european group will be everything the average white family need and long for. without overwhelming effort and extreme risk, expect nothing. i did not attend university as i had no great interest in anything offered in the universities to study. invade the cities, take the cities, battle in the streets for the cities. just as their own courage will never flower forth. the spell broke, why don ’ t i do something? the global and corporate ran press controls them, the education system (long since fallen to the long march through the institutions committed by the marxists) controls them, the state (long since heavily lost to its corporate backers) controls them and the anti-white media machine controls them. the truth that they are rapidly becoming, not just a global minority, but a minority within their own lands. but once i arrived in france, i found the stories to not only be true, but profoundly understated.


kill the invaders, kill the overpopulation and by doing so save the environment. worker ownership of the means of production? were your beliefs influenced by any other attackers? ethnic autonomy? i am a racist. finally, to create conflict between the two ideologies within the united states on the ownership of firearms in order to further the social, cultural, political and racial divide within the united states.this conflict over the 2 nd amendment and the attempted removal of firearms rights will ultimately result in a civil war that will eventually balkanize the us along political, cultural and, most importantly, racial lines.

>were/are you an anti-semite?

Anonymous ID: 6e7006 March 5, 2021, 12:05 p.m. No.13119530   🗄️.is 🔗kun

they would not be ignored. barring the importation of all goods produced outside the new european zone (the new western world) is an essential pillar of the future western economy. no.the police force in new zealand is on overall good terms with the public and, unlike in other european nations such as france, the uk, or norway they have so far remained loyal to the harming the nz police officers was to be avoided at all costs unless the state enforcer was from an invaders background. haplogroups, phenotypes and globalized testing. yes, i dislike them. but you won ’ t. won ’ t your attack result in calls for the removal of gun rights from whites in the united states? where they are removed to is not our concern, or responsibility. no one can give an answer. do these groups hold power/who are the people in these groups? if you survived, did you intend to go to trial?


the second event was the 2017 french general election. they see the decay all around them, plummeting, free-falling birth rates all across the western world. but if you attempt to live in european lands, anywhere west of the bosphorus.we will kill you and drive you roaches from our lands. did you carry out the attack for fame? i speak for my views and my ideals, and those that support me.some may agree with them, others won ’ t. embrace infamy: the enemies of your people will beset upon you, on all sides.

Anonymous ID: 6e7006 March 5, 2021, 12:05 p.m. No.13119692   🗄️.is 🔗kun

yes, predominantly an ethno-nationalist (i place importance on the health and well being of my race above all else). but eventually, when enough people fight back and refuse to pay taxes, refuse to fund the traitors in power, the state itself will wilt, then collapse. if we wait until the majority of the boomers begin to pass (between 2028-2038 depending on individual nations and life expectancies) than it will be too little, too late. because the “ x ” groups can be dealt with in time, but the high fertility immigrants will destroy us now, soon it is a matter of survival we destroy them first. focusing on increasing the population of whites, or trying to gain economic wealth or military might, whilst already having met the requirement of numbers, wealth and military force needed is simply a stalling tactic, spoken and put forth by men too cowardly to do what is required. i had little interest in education during my schooling, barely achieving a passing grade. be passionate, not placid no profits for anti-whites for too long those who have profited most from the importation of cheap labour have gone unpunished. new zealand was not the original choice for attack, i only arrived to new zealand to live temporarily whilst i planned and trained, but i soon found out that new zealand was as target rich of an environment as anywhere else in the west. our lands are not their home, they can return to their own lands or found their homelands elsewhere. so yes. we are coming for constantinople and we will destroy every mosque and minaret in the city.


nah, not australian living in new zealand is much the same as an austrian living in bavaria. taxation is theft in a traitorous system section iv in conclusion out of the night that covers me, black as the pit from pole to pole, i thank whatever gods may be for my unconquerable soul. that is complicated. for how long did you plan this attack? no, just a partisan. what makes you believe you can speak for a group?

Anonymous ID: 6e7006 March 5, 2021, 12:06 p.m. No.13119712   🗄️.is 🔗kun

sir oswald mosley is the person from history closest to my own beliefs. who decided to take a stand to ensure a future for my people. this balkanization of the us will not only result in the racial separation of the people within the united states ensuring the future of the white race on the north american continent, but also ensuring the death of the “ melting pot ” pipe dream. pedophile politicians, pedophile priests and pedophile pop stars, demonstrating to all the true depravity of our age. because if we do not destroy the invaders first, our own birthrates will mean nothing. the idea that a frenchmen need not speak the language, share the culture, believe in the same god or even more importantly be ethnically french is ludicrous in the extreme. this eradication of their people, their culture, their very soul. it may upset many, but the truth of the matter is these people are directly responsible for the current invasion and sacking of europe and their treachery has damaged european prospects greatly. they will soon realize there are repercussions to being a race traitors. drug use at all levels of society, in all age groups, any source of distraction or relief to escape a culture of nihilism. western culture is trivialized, pulped and blended into a smear of meaningless nothing, with the only tenets and beliefs seemingly held to are the myth of the individual, the value of work (productivity for the benefit of your capitalist owners) and the sovereignty of private property (to ensure none of us get grand ideas of taking the unearned wealth of our owners).


the hagia sophia will be free of minarets and constantinople will be rightfully christian owned once more. do you feel any remorse for the attack? overcome us? the truth that they are expected not to combat these myriad, unending and dedicated interlopers, but to embrace them, accept their own disenfranchisement, accept the loss of their fathers lands, their own impoverishment, their own replacement. broken families with soaring divorce rates, that ’ s if they even bother to get married at all.suicide rates climbing year by year, not just for adults, by even teens and children as well and the only time people seem to even notice is when one of their own idols commits the act (singers, sports stars, actors). but the unarmed invader, we have no real idea on how to deal with them, we are unable to attack them or fend them off in any meaningful way.

>europes value is in the european people the time after the baby boomers have passed isn't the time to start acting, but the time we should be finishing our victory.