traitors deserve a traitors death. roma, african, indian, turkish, semitic or other. egalitarians and those that believe in heirachy will never come to terms.i don ’ t want you by my side or i don ’ t want share power. but here ’ s the real kicker, the unarmed invader is far more dangerous to our people than the armed invader. i am only wary of those cultures with higher fertility rates replacing others. goodbye, god bless you all and i will see you in valhalla. but when europeans from all countries and continents move to back their brothers, they can not possibly attack any one group. victory can not wait, your people need you now! no, i only wish i could have killed more invaders, and more traitors as well. no, conservatism is corporatism in disguise, i want no part of it. tatp packages strapped to drones, an efp in a motorcycle saddle bags, convoy ambush rammings with cement trucks.
we grow older, fewer, weaker and more fundamentally closer to true death the longer we allow our birthrates to remain so catastrophically low. what do you encourage us to do? to take revenge for the enslavement of millions of europeans taken from their lands by the islamic slavers. worker ownership of the means of production? i will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. i will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it.
>the origins of my language is european, my culture is european, my political beliefs are european, my philosophical beliefs are european, my identity is european and, most importantly, my blood is european.