Anonymous ID: 25b7e1 March 3, 2021, 6:34 a.m. No.13101485   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1636

Dang they are making me hop IP now, destroying them as I go…I will have to stop after this.


The war against our people…

It is a very old war anon. Aryans (sons of Ares, natural nobility; those who know the difference between 'good' and 'evil') against Saturn (sons of Satan/Set; the destroyers). It is far older than the jews or their mythos. :)

Our ancestors built the pyramids to remind us of who we are and our nobility (character) and what is expected from us.


>“We control governments. We have created dissension among our enemies and made them kill each other. We have effectively silenced criticism of our affairs and we are the richest race of men on this earth… I speak of the death of the White race. The complete removal of all means of reproduction of the so-called Aryan race. Men, we now control the destiny of this race. It is now time to make sure the White race becomes extinct through miscegenation and having a virtually zero birth rate."


>"We have all enjoyed the vision repeated all over this world every day of THE LAST WHITE CHILDREN playing with little dark children and knowing that they are being set-up for their eventual destruction. We can ruin the ancient pure blood of an Aryan child by convincing him or her of the altruism of begetting interracial children. We must expose the race-mixing of the urban centers to the suburbs and rural areas of this country. More aggressive programs to integrate these areas are now underway through HUD. It is worth any price to annihilate the next generation of White children. We want every White father to feel the sting of having their children marry colored mates and produce biracial children. We must use our power to discourage White men and women who still persist in getting together from producing more pure White children. They will be ostracized by not becoming part of the New Society of all races. This will dissuade most of them. We will deal with the less cooperative goyim by murder and imprisonment. Finally, we will see the end of this White race. Impressionable White children will have their minds molded into the agents of their own destruction."


>"Already, our efforts have succeeded in making the “men” of this race grovel at our feet. Men, you and your ancestors have worked hard to make sure we would have the power to hold the destiny of this race in our hands. Now we have it. Perish Aryan Goyim!”

-The ADL (Anti-Defamation League) president Abraham Foxman had a speech on August 25, 1998, in New York


>"Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away”

-Netanyahu, 2002


>"We will have a World Government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent."

-Jewish Banker James Paul Warburg, February 17, 1950, as he testified before the U.S. Senate


>"The fact is that the Jews were known only as destroyers in ancient history, not creators. They have developed no science, have produced no art, have built no great cities, and alone have no talent for the finer things of civilized life. The Jews claim to be the torchbearers of civilization, but thorough their parasitic habits have deteriorated or destroyed every nation in which they have existed in large numbers."

~ Charles A. Weisman (Jew)


>“Jewish history has been tragic to the Jews and no less tragic to the neighboring nations who have suffered them. Our major vice of old as of today is parasitism. We are a people of vultures living on the labor and good fortune of the rest of the world.”

~ Samuel Roth (Jew), “Jews Must Live,” page 18.


>"We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own (global genocide of everyone except jews)."

-You Gentiles, by Jewish Author Maurice Samuels, p. 155).