Religion wouldn't survive, so no. It's too useful for control to give it up.
Half a lie is still a lie.
As far as I know, we can expect to be enslaved for, at the very least, thousands if not hundreds of thousands of years, and not for any particular good reason. We'll choose it as a society by chasing drsires and becoming corrupted by them. The few that see will be silenced, lifetime after lifetime, until we collectively wise up and let go of our materialism. So, as far as I know, we're going to be stuck in this for a very long time, and it will get significantly worse. Significantly.
It may turn out that being ignorant of eastern belief systems doesn't end up making them false, and that would be kind of funny to observe. Probably won't happen, though. Might as well try to teach a rock. Rocks have a better chance of figuring it out, actually, than most modern people, because at least the rock has mastered the art of shutting it's mouth.