Ima super healthnut! :)
Uhhh? YES give up grains! There is no sauce that giving up grains is bad. Eskimos lived just fine without grains. They had animal fat as fuel. Ever heard of the WAPF or even Paleo diets/guidelines? Yes, vegetarianism and veganism is a knee-jerk reaction to the cabal's SAD/Standard American Diet, and you feel good for a while…You purge out the industrialized garbage/junkfood and your body has a chance to detox…but after a few years on it you deplete your stores of animal sourced nutrients…Dig into "Why I'm not a vegan/vegetarian anymore" type stuff. Its not humanly sustainable long term. Redpill: Cows eat enough naturally occurring probiotics/organisms they aren't really vegetarians. Primates do hunt/eat meat and eggs at times.
Yes, there's plenty of proof modern SAD/Standard American Diet doesn't work. Its a broken system. Dig for a previous system that's tried and true…watch all! the vids below. The SAD/modern diet with its lack of proper animal sourced nutrients even have population control effects.
The cabal has been subsidizing grain and sugar production/farming along with MonSatan's GMO's/roundup/chemical-y food warfare in the US for a reason! They are bad for you if you don't use wisely. We as a society have only eaten grains and sugar the way we have in the last hundred years…post industrial revolution. (Sauce in vids below)
<b>Plus: Read "Wheat Bellies" and "Grain Brain".
Your body can be fueled BY FAT instead of carbs= Ketogenic diet!! Keto diet is the answer to diabetes. Search Dr. Jason Fung for more info.
The Cabal suppressed the gem of Keto diet, which was discovered in the 1930's.
>i agree , but you dont need animal fats
Politely saying WRONG! Be an anon. Please do your research and dig!
Please do not go to cabal's big pharma/FDA totalitarian/good ol' boys kickback-fund network or their doctors for brainwashing.
Sauce on importance of animal foods:
Nourishing Traditional Diets, Part 1, 2, and 3
The Greatest American [Health] Lies - The Oiling of America and Heart Disease