Haplogroups, phenotypes and globalized testing. Be creative, be expressive, be emotional and above all be passionate. There was a period of time 2 years prior to the attack to the attack that dramatically changed my views.The period of time was from, beginning of April,2017 until the end May,2017. -Altered version of “ The Beginnings ” by Rudyard Kipling To Conservatives Ask yourself, truly, what has modern conservatism managed to conserve? Democracy is mob rule and the mob itself is ruled by our enemies. LEAVE NO VIPERS NEST UNBURNT Don ’ t leave the cities, Run towards the fight, Not away Run towards the cities, run towards the conflict, run towards the enemy, fleeing from the enemy is cowardice. To add momentum to the pendulum swings of history, further destabilizing and polarizing Western society in order to eventually destroy the current nihilistic, hedonistic, individualistic insanity that has taken control of Western thought. On the east side of the Bosphorus. Diversity is anathema to equality. Yes, but death was a definite possibility. It should come as no shock that European men, in every nation, and on every continent are turning to radical notions and methods to combat the social and moral decay of their nations and the continued ethnic replacement of their people.
Did you commit the attack to receive media coverage and to propagate your own writings/beliefs/ideals? Let our lives be stronger than death to fight against the enemies of the Christian people. ” ASK YOURSELF, WHAT WOULD POPE URBAN II DO? BLITZ TO DOMINANT POSITIONS All true movements are populist movements While the movement itself, at least in the vanguard stage, does not need to have the support of the entire population, eventually we will need our people to join our new society, and voluntarily. Be creative, be expressive, be emotional and above all be passionate. Support them economically, donate to their cause, buy products from their people, volunteer your resources and labour. Their number uncountable, the representation of their loss unfathomable.