Anonymous ID: 6242a2 March 15, 2021, 9:57 p.m. No.13229242   🗄️.is 🔗kun

You are not. No man spoke it aloud When the Saxon began to hate. You burn the nest and kill the vipers, no matter their age. To ensure the existence of our people and a future for white children, whilst preserving and exulting nature and the natural order. These situations are chaotic and virtually impossible to control, no matter the planning. We must ensure the existence of our people, and a future for white children. Few parents, regardless of circumstance, will willing risk the lives of their children, no matter the economic incentives. Not a place where english is the defacto language but a place where every European language, belief and tradition is valued. I speak for my views and my ideals, and those that support me.Some may agree with them, others won ’ t. Just do not allow your scepticism to turn to paranoia and keep you from supporting those that want the best for you. We must ensure the existence of our people, and a future for white children.


There is no pleasant meadow in which you can lay down your weary body, rest your head and wait for it all to blow over. To take revenge for the thousands of European lives lost to terror attacks throughout European lands. Why did you choose this time to attack? This warlord must bleed his last, whilst he visits his ethnic soldiers currently occupying Europe. No, I am not afraid of islam, only that, due to its high fertility rates, it will grow to replace other peoples and faiths. Not a thing has been conserved other than corporate profits and the the ever increasing wealth of the 1 % that exploit the people for their own benefit.

>Only when you embrace death and the only thing you will have left to fear is inaction.


Best Korea Please :( give us /pol/ back or I wont stop, ya oga booga niggers