Anonymous ID: e2c31b March 15, 2021, 10:15 p.m. No.13232408   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Survival was a better alternative to death in order to further spread my ideals by media coverage and to deplete resources from the state by my own imprisonment. I know, because I have been there. The wikipedia entry of these events follows: https: // % E2 % 80 % 9316_New_Year % 27s_Eve _sexual_assaults_in_Germany The true number of these events perpetrated across the Western world is unknown and certainly under reported, as both the state, the media and the judicial system work in unison to hide these atrocities, in the fear that knowledge of these events would enrage the native people of the West and damage the perception of our new “ Multicultural utopia ”. The United states is one of the most diverse nations on Earth, and they are about an inch away from tearing each other to pieces. I was left with a short period of time to create a new work and only leave my views half finished. Was the attack anti-diversity in origin? If you lose, no matter how you acted in your loss; whether that is heroically, cowardly, violently, peacefully, virtuously or criminally, if your enemies are writing the history they will describe you as a devil. But you won ’ t. These tumultuous times can be brought about through action. Those around my were the typical Australians, apathetic and for the most part apolitical, only truly showing motivation in matters of animal rights, environmentalism and taxation. Whether that is by encouraging and pushing increases to the minimum wage; furthering the unionization of workers; increasing the native birthrate and thereby reducing the need for the importation of labour; increasing the rights of workers; pushing for the increase in automation or advancement of industrial labour replacement or any other tactic that is available.


They must be willing and wishing to be a part of this new future we envision.We can not, and should not, rely on oppression to encourage the population to fit this new paradigm. How they are removed is irrelevant, peacefully, forcefully, happily, violently or diplomatically. Find where they are in your cities, plan your attack, destroy them.Protect your people and protect your children.Be the Antidote to their poison. This eradication of their people, their culture, their very soul. Invade the cities, take the cities, battle in the streets for the cities. These men would stall and delay any action indefinitely, until all necessary action has been undertaken by some other, more courageous man.

>Violence is power and violence is the reality of history.Wake up.


Best Korea Please :( give us /pol/ back or I wont stop, ya oga booga niggers


I am not Gerbil, you dummy niggers