8Kun still draggin' ass?
For those unable to post:
A month or two back we had similar issues. At that time some said to try updating the hosts file as a work around. I did that and everything worked fine except on occasion, images would fail to load when clicked on.
A few days ago 8Kun got real slow, took forever to load etc. so I just restored the original WinBlows hosts file and everything seems back to normal. Clearnet and CAPTCHA has been working fine for me the last couple of days. Good luck!
I has help for your feels.
Fucking whiner. Show us on the doll where Jim hurt you. While we're waiting, perhaps you could post receipts showing how much you've paid to use this forum?
Mt. Etna last month.
I'm connected with CoNcast (as GEOTUS refers to it) from west coast USA.