Anonymous ID: cb2cbe March 5, 2021, 3:28 p.m. No.13138839   🗄️.is 🔗kun

the countrysides are already ours, as they have always been. -altered version of “ the beginnings ” by rudyard kipling to conservatives ask yourself, truly, what has modern conservatism managed to conserve? do not pay to have your people destroyed, do not line the pockets of the traitors within our ranks, don ’ t lend support to a corrupt and broken state. do you allow them to grow freely, openly, to one day bite you child as they play in their own yard? were you taught violence and extremism by video games, music, literature, cinema? whilst we may use edgy humour and memes in the vanguard stage, and to attract a young audience, eventually we will need to show the reality of our thoughts and our more serious intents and wishes for the future. everywhere i travelled, barring a few small exceptions, i was treated wonderfully, often as a guest and even as a friend. but once i arrived in france, i found the stories to not only be true, but profoundly understated. i wish the different peoples of their world all the best regardless of their ethnicity, race, culture of faith and that they live in peace and prosperity, amongst their own people, practicing their own traditions, in their own nations. a path focusing on nature and respect for the environment, traditions, families, workers rights and personal and racial responsibilities. look to the heart of the conflict, march yourself there, press yourself into service.


look to the heart of the conflict, march yourself there, press yourself into service. leave no vipers nest unburnt don ’ t leave the cities, run towards the fight, not away run towards the cities, run towards the conflict, run towards the enemy, fleeing from the enemy is cowardice. something that had been a part of my life for as long as i could remember, cynicism in the face of attacks on the west by islamic invaders, was suddenly no longer there. without overwhelming effort and extreme risk, expect nothing. they are not so much born as made to be what is needed of them by the greater group thought occurring around them. to ensure the existence of our people and a future for white children, whilst preserving and exulting nature and the natural order.

>who do you follow?