Only one anon? Keks!
Potus new statement:
Can’t embed
TY fren.
More like the Audubon Zoo!
Thank You Jim!!!!
Wait- what happened?
Congress just wants a day off.
Like they are even working.
Also- filter the bewbs. It might help ya fren.
Keks! Added the Pepe and didn’t even notice.
Doesn’t matter if anon takes the tracking code off or not.
Hasn’t worked for me in months.
It’s never ceases to amaze me the lengths investigators will drag out a timeline while people are being harmed.
I mean, I get it- but I don’t get it.
Great good ideas kill children.
There’s so much fuckery going on - I can’t even log into my local Chanel’s on internet cable. And anons cable service has also decided Office Depot should be blocked. Wtf?
Anon just threw up a little.