>George News
Wayne R. Willott. Long time fake insider who is running a shady JFK Jr. scam on retards who hang on his every word. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to remind everyone of that.
On it.
>George News
Wayne R. Willott. Long time fake insider who is running a shady JFK Jr. scam on retards who hang on his every word. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to remind everyone of that.
On it.
>7· They were all kept quiet.· They've been manipulated.· His
>18· wife is naaaaasty.· His wife knew what he was like when she
>19· married him and hidden it all along.
Ever ask yourself why someone has to pretend to be someone else? I found the fake ass "mystery key" in seconds. Shilling for a fraud $$$ professional "insider" tryna make bank over Jr.'s name AND his magazine.
>calling for Biden impeachment
Handing them exactly what they want and planned for all along. NOICE!
OK…when RVanon makes a post it wants seen by the "watchers" how does RVanon ALWAYS begin the post?
How many of you have already gotten the jab?
How many of you will get the jab to keep your job?
How many of you will get the jab if they tie it to stimulus checks?
SO fucking stupid. Welp. it's 2 pm EST….
Answer the question.
>Clear net not working.
Brave on clearnet right now. No issues.
>Weird glitch.
>Who is randomly baning anons?
Who is breaking the rules? Only KP and crush….and holy fuck not even KP got the fungal fedposter banned.
>rvanon said it was him
RVanon is not a mod or has any access to this board shit. Fungus is banning people it doesn't like. (again)
Fungus has multiple personalities and does indeed have thread deletion and banning powers…I've seen it in action on other KUN boards. It's vile. WTF is GYB? There's a few Kitchen Karackters. NOT supposed to be banning anyone here. Imagine getting banned here for a fake ass reddit meme. File is still there tho. I guess the feds reorganized during the downage.
>Just his own board and his hatchet woman swampfux.
That's NOT RVanon. Feds know that so….
weird. KEK people think the reddit dude is actually fucking a rat? Holy hell, not even Reddit believed that. (anyone got the fish fucker meme…askin' for Tom Cruise…)
You must, you keep "claiming" to be.
OH look, another furious letter for twatter to add to the pile.
>Any Quaketards on here?
Cascadia. Soon. If I lived on the west coast, I wouldn't. Anything west of I-5 is already written off by FEMA as a lost cause. What the EQ doesn't destroy the tsunami will.
Earth is about to shit the bed. Why do you think those states legalized all drugs and all druggies flooded the states while decent people moved OUT or away from the cities?
NZ pay attention….when that dam breaks in China (and it will) head to the high ground. Ya'll better listen to the elders.
West coast is fucked. Preps not a bad idea if you're elsewhere because it's going to take a while to replace CA products like fresh produce on the supply line.
San Andreas likely won't pop off as it moves north to south but Cascadia, Juan de Fuca and Gorlock move east/west and are gonna finish off what BLM/Antifa started.
Oroville dam ….other dams…..perhaps even Hoover. The Yangetze river dam tho….whew.
Why do people on here seem to care ONLY about the children the "elite" fuck? Numbers wise there are (as an example) 1 million elite kiddie fuckers…and 5 BILLION kiddie fuckers who are NOT elite. And everyone seems more concerned about the UP there than their own family and neighborhood kiddie fuckers. I guess it's easier to complain about Biden than your creeper Uncle who's been fucking the family kids for years.
Dutchsinse has always been dead on in his predictions. He might not post an update on jewtube so check Twitch first.
His jewtube channel….he's ALWAYS at risk of being banned on there. No doubt his recent run of dead on predictions will finish him off. I'm somewhat stunned he hasn't posted an update because he predicted all of this…not magic at all anyone using his methods can do this.
Fucker…his Twitch has no videos…can't find the one it SAYS he streamed "4 hours ago" and this behavior is HIGHLY unlike him. Comments on his last jewtube video..switch to "newest first"….wonder if they've got him. He's always been threatened.
>My question was who is protecting those children?
WHO is protecting the children in YOUR neighborhood or family? Don't tell me you don't know or suspect someone….and you do nothing. So the same reason YOU do nothing….
NOPE…he's gone. Read the comments…switch to newest first. He's not anywhere..twitter….gab…he's been POOFED.
His last jewtube post was way too accurate….and it's 10/10 NOT like him not to make an update. People are pissed at him…but I guarantee you if he's NOT posting, not even on twitch? Sum ting wong. He nailed every single one of the EQs from Greece to NZ.