Anonymous ID: dfb2ad March 5, 2021, 3:18 p.m. No.13136975   🗄️.is 🔗kun

destroyed in the name of cheap labour, whilst they may publicly object to the illegal immigration of the third world masses, privately they push for as much migration as possible, anything to decrease the labour cost of production and line their pockets with the profits. said throughout the media, spoken by politicians, educators and celebrities. i pulled my rental car over, and sat, staring at these crosses and contemplating how it was that despite these men and womens sacrifice, despite their bravery, we had still fallen so far.i broke into tears, sobbing alone in the car, staring at the crosses, at the forgotten dead. where your beliefs given to you by your family/friends/society etc? the best time to attack was yesterday, the next best time is today. the christchurch and linwood mosques had far more invaders, in a more prominent and optically foreign building, with less students, more adults and a prior history of extremism. those who are not ethnically and culturally european. this attempted abolishment of rights by the left will result in a dramatic polarization of the people in the united states and eventually a fracturing of the us along cultural and racial lines. our present comfortable, privileged and prosperous life was gifted to us by our forebears, with the belief that we would maintain, cherish and even expand upon their work, so that one day our own children can enjoy the rewards of our labour. finally i would like to send a message to the perpetrators of these attacks, and their families. no, they ’ re a party of milquetoast civic nationalist boomers, completely incapable of creating real change and with no actual viable plan to save their nation.


no, the attack was a end in itself, with all the necessary affect required. but in the end the struggle is a beauty in itself, and the victory will be all the sweeter because of victory is yours, if you have the will for it. a moroccan may never be an estonian much the same as an estonian may never be a moroccan. no one will willfully join the decay green nationalism is the only true nationalism there is no conservatism without nature, there is no nationalism without environmentalism, the natural environment of our lands shaped us just as we shaped it. anyone can be a member of our nation, as long as they have the paperwork. the unarmed invader is more dangerous that the armed the lightning march through the institutions while the lefts march through the institutions was long and ultimately successful we must achieve the same, but in a much shorter time period.