The left has controlled all discussion regarding environmental preservation whilst simultaneously presiding over the continued destruction of the natural environment itself through mass immigration and uncontrolled urbanization, whilst offering no true solution to either issue. Drug use at all levels of society, in all age groups, any source of distraction or relief to escape a culture of nihilism. Didn ’ t your attack just result in the vilification of ethno-nationalists/racial autonomists? The nation with the closest political and social values to my own is the People ’ s Republic of China. Above all, just don ’ t be stale, placid and boring. Both would seek to destroy our nation, both would seek to displace and replace our people, both would seek to destroy our culture and nationhood. The only muslim I truly hate is the convert, those from our own people that turn their backs on their heritage, turn their backs on their cultures, turn their back on their traditions and became blood traitors to their own race. Eventually, when the white population of the USA realizes the truth of the situation, war will erupt. A muslim man or woman choosing to invade our lands live on our soil and replace our people? This time of possible instability will also be a at a time where our potential nation enemies in the East will be reaching their own zeniths of power. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet?
All else is insufficient. From where did you receive/research/develop your beliefs? Due to the threat of ethnic replacement and our own horribly low birth rates, we do not have 150 years or even 50 years to achieve positions of power. The people speaking now, acting now, fighting now, are the vanguard of the vanguard of the force of the people. They would not be ignored. As for how the public perceives us?
>Only elect leaders that show support to your brother nation.
Best Korea Please :( give us /pol/ back or I wont stop, ya oga booga niggers
I am not Gerbil, you dummy niggers