I was left with a short period of time to create a new work and only leave my views half finished. Even at Vienna in 1683 we Europeans still lost over fourteen thousand good men. By the definition, then yes. Though I hold no great fear or distrust of other peoples. If we want to radically and fundamentally change society, then we need to radicalize society as much as possible. Did you always hold these views? Won ’ t your attack result in calls for the removal of gun rights from Whites in the United states? Islamic nations in particular have high birth rates, regardless of race or ethnicity, and in this there was an anti-islamic motivation to the attacks, as well as a want for revenge against islam for the 1300 years of war and devastation that it has brought upon the people of the West and other peoples of the world. Whether they are a political minority and therefore lose the control of the majority of power, and thus lose control of the laws and regulations that define public life or those that are the cultural minority find that art in all its forms is created and controlled by a different audience, from a different people from a different history, with differing ideals and experiences and therefore they find themselves isolated, excluded and removed from the creation of contemporary culture. In every french city, in every french town the invaders were there. -Invictis by William Ernest Henley There is only one victory, but many defeats.
The truth is that eventually people must face the fact that it wasn ’ t a damn thing to do with the economy.That it was the British people firing back at mass immigration, cultural displacement and globalism, and that ’ s a great and wonderful thing. Just Wait! No, I only wish I could have killed more invaders, and more traitors as well. We must thrive, we must march ever forward to our place among the stars and we WILL reach the destiny our people deserve. Support them economically, donate to their cause, buy products from their people, volunteer your resources and labour. Goods produced without care for the natural world, dignity of workers, lasting culture or or white civilizations future should never be allowed into the new morally focused and ethically focused European market.
>If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little ``clever'' comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue.
Best Korea Please :( give us /pol/ back or I wont stop, ya oga booga niggers
I am not Gerbil, you dummy niggers