I could no longer ignore the attacks. Any religious ideal that stood between the wealthy and wealth generation was downplayed, sidelined and quietly dismantled. A. Compliments will get you no where. Not Yet! No one can give an answer. Whether that is by encouraging and pushing increases to the minimum wage; furthering the unionization of workers; increasing the native birthrate and thereby reducing the need for the importation of labour; increasing the rights of workers; pushing for the increase in automation or advancement of industrial labour replacement or any other tactic that is available. So take the prison time, take the beating or even fight back. In front of those endless crosses, in front of those dead soldiers lost in forgotten wars, my despair turned to shame, my shame to guilt, my guilt to anger and my anger to rage. What makes you believe there are racial differences and that those differences matter? Depending on the definition, sure. The Great Replacement Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Create memes, post memes, and spread memes. Destroyed in the name of cheap labour, whilst they may publicly object to the illegal immigration of the third world masses, privately they push for as much migration as possible, anything to decrease the labour cost of production and line their pockets with the profits. The weaker we become the more immigrants will refuse to join us, refuse to partake in the cultural suicide that we extol. There is only one victory. But it is no simple task.There are myriad reasons behind the decline in fertility rates and the destruction of the traditional family unit. The notion of a racial future or destiny is as foreign to them as social responsibilities.
>Those that wish a future for white children, and to ensure the existence of our people.