Violence isn ’ t the answer, why are you using force? Just Wait! This should give us an indication of what may be truly at the heart of the issue. No matter if it takes 3 years or 30 years, these people must pay for their disgusting attacks upon our race. Don ’ t believe me, can anymore tell you the motivation of the Madrid train bomber attackers? We must crush immigration and deport those invaders already living on our soil. By the definition, then yes. Why attack muslims if all high fertility immigrants are the issue? Why them when I could do it myself? And above all they don ’ t even care if it does. SHOW THEM THE WAY FORWARD There is no sheltered meadow There is nowhere left to run, turn around, face your enemy, make your stand.
Meanwhile they badger, trick and guilt-shame the European people into forfeiting their own hard earned income and giving it directly to their peoples cultural and ethnic competitors, many of which have the only intent of conquering and destroying the European peoples. I don ’ t, but I may have some. I had the will and I had the resources. Hear the conservatives cry, as long as they are willing to WORK, let them in! When the time comes you must be ready to act. It is a terrorist attack.
Best Korea Please :( give us /pol/ back or I wont stop, ya oga booga niggers
I am not Gerbil, you dummy niggers