that difference was ebba akerlund. as for how the public perceives us? i will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this earth, mark my fucking words. c. what the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? and what can we do to stop it? but i have only had brief contact with knight justiciar breivik, receiving a blessing for my mission after contacting his brother knights. what gives a nation strength? a list of wikipedia entries from the most well known british rape cases follows: https: // dal https: // https: // https: // https: // https: // https: // https: // https: // https: // https: // https: // https: // https: // https: // what many do not know is that these cases do not solely occur in britain, but elsewhere in the western world as well, as shown by these two well known cases in australia: https: // https: // and even in finland: https: // just as shocking are the cases of open and public sexual assault and harassment performed by these invasive scum that appear to be occurring ever more frequently across the european world such as those in germany in the new years eve sexual assaults in cologne, hamburg, dortmund, dusseldorf, stuttgart and bielefeld. a muslim man or woman living in their homelands? no. it will be distasteful, it will be damaging to the soul, but know that it is necessary and any invader you spare, no matter the age, will one day be an enemy your people must face. in the western world this is roughly 2.06 births per woman.
the truth that the west killed the notion of god, and proceeded to replace it with nothing. there is no nation in the world that wasn ’ t founded by, or maintained by, the use of force. the more diverse a group becomes, the less equal it becomes. to take revenge for the thousands of european lives lost to terror attacks throughout european lands. the natural environment? western culture? the origins of my language is european, my culture is european, my political beliefs are european, my philosophical beliefs are european, my identity is european and, most importantly, my blood is european.