secondly an attack in new zealand would bring to attention the truth of the assault on our civilization, that no where in the world was safe, the invaders were in all of our lands, even in the remotest areas of the world and that there was no where left to go that was safe and free from mass immigration. the unarmed invader is more dangerous that the armed the lightning march through the institutions while the lefts march through the institutions was long and ultimately successful we must achieve the same, but in a much shorter time period. there is no green future with never ending population growth, the ideal green world can not exist in a world of 100 billion 50 billion or even 10 billion people. but they will not accept this death. the countrysides are already ours, as they have always been. i speak for my views and my ideals, and those that support me.some may agree with them, others won ’ t. we are experiencing an invasion on a level never seen before in history. not if you know what i know and want for what we want. there is no green future with never ending population growth, the ideal green world can not exist in a world of 100 billion 50 billion or even 10 billion people. victors write the history and the writers of history control the cultural climate of the present time. to take revenge for the thousands of european lives lost to terror attacks throughout european lands.
was there a particular event or reason you decided to commit to a violent attack? answering possible questions general who are you? were/are you a socialist? fortnite trained me to be a killer and to floss on the corpses of my enemies. no, i simply do not care all that much what gay people long as they are loyal to their people and place their peoples well being first, then i have no issues. without a single shot fired in response?
>this time can not be relied on for a beginning of the rebellion, only utilized as a final stage of energy and escalation to finalize our capture of power.