it is due to a lack of will. who do you consider white? both illegal and legal drug dealers are our racial enemies, ruining the health, wealth, family structure, culture and future of our people.these peddlers of filth are active in every nation and behave without any thought of their impact on their societies. haplogroups, phenotypes and globalized testing. please do not redistribute ” that proved their knowledge of their actions, and their guilt. what do you encourage us to do? traitors deserve a traitors death. this is ethnic replacement. i will be forgotten quickly. when i know, i will tell you. so no, i don ’ t believe so.
no, they ’ re a party of milquetoast civic nationalist boomers, completely incapable of creating real change and with no actual viable plan to save their nation. but do not pay taxes to anti-whites. brought forth two competing ideologies (communism and fascism) to replace this loss of god, then proceeded to allow both sides to slaughter each other to a standstill and then let corporate backed capitalists tear the survivor to pieces. the invaders are the ones over populating the world. our present comfortable, privileged and prosperous life was gifted to us by our forebears, with the belief that we would maintain, cherish and even expand upon their work, so that one day our own children can enjoy the rewards of our labour. what makes you believe there are racial differences and that those differences matter?
>they built homes for their children to live in, they built communities for their people to thrive in, they built nations for their people to survive in.