That is complicated. Conservatism is dead. THE BEST TIME FOR ATTACK WAS YESTERDAY, THE SECOND BEST TIME IS NOW The birthrates must eventually be addressed, at all costs Even if all invaders are deported tomorrow and all traitors are dealt with as they truly deserve, we are still living on borrowed time. NO ONE WILL WILLFULLY JOIN THE DECAY Green nationalism is the only true nationalism There is no Conservatism without nature, there is no nationalism without environmentalism, the natural environment of our lands shaped us just as we shaped it. Depending on the definition, sure. The Race? The final push was witnessing the state of French cities and towns. To create an atmosphere of fear and change in which drastic, powerful and revolutionary action can occur. Does anyone even ask why? Household flour, a method of dispersion and an ignition source.A ballpeen hammer and a wooden shield.Gas, fire, vehicular attacks, plane attacks, any means were available. This is ethnic replacement.
No. These writing, and their coverage, are just a bonus. The second event was the 2017 French General election. Yes, the person that has influenced me above all was Candace Owens. If we want to radically and fundamentally change society, then we need to radicalize society as much as possible. The worth of your life is not measured by the length of your life, but your actions during it.
>To agitate the political enemies of my people into action, to cause them to overextend their own hand and experience the eventual and inevitable backlash as a result.