Anonymous ID: 9762d0 May 5, 2018, 3:38 p.m. No.1311612   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1644 >>1698 >>1817 >>1854


Ex-pharmafag here, red-pilled on the skeleton of the Q plan on a DoD project a few years back. Was told statins marked a paradigm shift in Medicine, opening the door for the real cash-draining/de-pop plan: vaccines.


Because statins were the first take-a pill-every-day-forever drug mass marketed to everyone to PREVENT sickness, not cure existing sickness. Get the public to accept that, then mandatory RE-vaccination more and more often is easier to swallow. They wrote the legislation for mandating revax of teens ten years before roll-out. Business interests write most our laws now, not our elected swamp rats, dumb as rocks in most cases.


They slowly shift the goal posts like this in everything, planned years in advance. When the curtain is pulled all the way back on the evils of pharma, this OG is pretty sure


Anonymous ID: 9762d0 May 5, 2018, 3:49 p.m. No.1311742   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1762 >>1885


Big Pharma knows all about Magnesium. Deliberately work with FDA to put extra Calcium in everything to make the deficiency worse.

Known on the inside that if Mg issue addressed, sales would go down by HALF.

But it's not just about money, as we know.

Ca + F = CaF solids precipitating out of all fluids/tissues.

Crusty brains = slow, stupid, forgetful brains.

Crusty hearts = early termination

>They never thought she would lose

Anonymous ID: 9762d0 May 5, 2018, 4:07 p.m. No.1311948   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Same with repealing Glass-Steagall.

They kept a lid on it awhile before flooding the housing market with shit loans and CDS's.

Never been a financefag, but everyone needs to know some of these basics to understand how the cabal got us so good and fucked.

This one-two punch behind the 2008 planned crash funneled trillions from our fake "treasury" (indebted us even more) into these globalist bankers coffers and put tons more of us in poverty and unemployment.


These blood-suckers are at our necks from all directions. They've more than earned what's coming to them.


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