Then why did the US get taken over by a bunch of noodly armed faggots and prostitutes? The military are looking like the biggest faggots on earth.
And Q is a retard for making Fastjack disable per post captcha. That might have been the only good idea Fastjack ever had, but damn it was a good one. And fuck all you people who bitched about 6 easily read characters too.
It's worthless. Get rid of it. Avast sucks.
You know you wanna stretch the Gretch.
It's better to use Firefox with Noscript if you're suspicious of a site. Those "safe browsers" at best just report everything you're doing back to the company.
Q's never posting again. Whoever ran it has far too much explaining to do for that to happen.
This 2024 shit is so enraging. Such an obvious lie. "Trump 2024" is Trump telling his supporters they're headed to a big farm with lots of other animals right before they're fed to the abattoir.
The moron running Q shit talked the per post captcha, so Fastjack won't do it because directive 4.