were/are you a neo-nazi? they congregate, discuss, despair, strategize, debate and plan. who do you consider white? no one person in particular, i support many groups but i am a member of none. religion? even at vienna in 1683 we europeans still lost over fourteen thousand good men. they removed the europeans peoples autonomy and sovereignty for their own lust for power and wealth. stop waiting for someone else to show you the way forward, you are the way forward, waiting around for someone to start the fight is moronic, because it is you that is going to start the fight, if you are reading this, you are the new leaders that will push our people to victory, you are the soldiers that will fight for the future of your race. the same people will find themselves gradually less and less represented both politically and culturally, becoming essentially foreigners in their own lands. no, conservatism is corporatism in disguise, i want no part of it. they are finally removing their blindfolds and seeing the reality of the the world and their peoples future.
did/do you personally hate muslims? why were we allowing the invaders to conquer us? they are also one of the strongest groups, with high fertility, high in group preference and a will to conquer. because the โ x โ groups can be dealt with in time, but the high fertility immigrants will destroy us now, soon it is a matter of survival we destroy them first. but you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. due to the threat of ethnic replacement and our own horribly low birth rates, we do not have 150 years or even 50 years to achieve positions of power.