what makes you believe you can speak for a group? to show the effect of direct action, lighting a path forward for those that wish to follow.a path for those that wish to free their ancestors lands from the invaders grasp and to be a beacon for those that wish to create a lasting culture, to tell them they are not alone. cheap labour is slave labour, refuse to import modern slaves a boil over in the melting pot civil war in the so called “ melting pot ” that is the united states should be a major aim in overthrowing the global power structure and the wests ’ egalitarian, individualist, globalist dominant culture. i could no longer ignore the attacks. but you won ’ t. why not me? fertility rates are cultural, there is no denying that, so there was a war of cultures being fought by the invaders, and my attack was a response to this. originally the mosque in dunedin was the main target, particularly after watching the video on their facebook page named “ otago muslim association ” https: //www.facebook.com/otago-muslim-association-20677822935878 6/ the video war entitled “ very interesting video. therefore, once we show them the risk of bringing their offspring to our soil, they will avoid our lands. both would seek to destroy our nation, both would seek to displace and replace our people, both would seek to destroy our culture and nationhood. no.no group ordered my attack, i make the decision myself.
sir oswald mosley is the person from history closest to my own beliefs. were/are you a fascist? grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay, rage, rage against the dying of the light. they grow up and take the potential homes of your own people for themselves, they occupy positions of power, remove wealth and destroy social trust. it is not just a matter of our prosperity, but the very survival of our people. did/do you personally hate muslims?