So last night I tried to post a breaking news item involving a jet that lost pressure and had to make an emergency landing at SeaTac airport in Seattle. Well, it took me a full two breads before I was able to. :
▶Anonymous 12/04/18 (Tue) 22:25:45 ID: 3f30b2 (2) No.4160049>>4160056 >>4160059
SeaTac Airport emergency landing, decompression at 40,000ft. No sauce. Looking. Was on the radio, KOMO am Seattle
Anyways, I couldn't get any info off the web, I had originally hear the story on our local AM radio station KOMO, and they had nothing on their website either. I went to bed thinking it was all a mistake on my part but today found one tidbit which I will post next post as I am a phone fag and my phone sucks when I navigate the web it erases the last page and all data in forms.