don ’ t run from the fight, run towards the fight. due to the threat of ethnic replacement and our own horribly low birth rates, we do not have 150 years or even 50 years to achieve positions of power. but they will not accept this death. were you taught violence and extremism by video games, music, literature, cinema? no, the attack was a end in itself, with all the necessary affect required. this balkanization of the us will not only result in the racial separation of the people within the united states ensuring the future of the white race on the north american continent, but also ensuring the death of the “ melting pot ” pipe dream. how they are removed is irrelevant, peacefully, forcefully, happily, violently or diplomatically. i have read the writings of dylan roof and many others, but only really took true inspiration from knight justiciar breivik. yes, i dislike them. as a policy maker and leader? but in the end the struggle is a beauty in itself, and the victory will be all the sweeter because of victory is yours, if you have the will for it.
they would not be ignored. i was left with a short period of time to create a new work and only leave my views half finished. in the united states, perhaps more than anywhere else in the world, the cult of the individual has been practiced for the longest time and with the deepest devotion. you will be revered, but only if you win. household flour, a method of dispersion and an ignition source.a ballpeen hammer and a wooden shield.gas, fire, vehicular attacks, plane attacks, any means were available. but it will take take some time, time we do not have due to the crisis of mass immigration.