no, i am not afraid of islam, only that, due to its high fertility rates, it will grow to replace other peoples and faiths. there is only one victory. the movement may begin in poland, austria, france, argentina, australia, canada or even venezuela, but the movement will begin and when it does, be ready to throw your weight behind your people, with full force. because you can not accept anything less. but in the end the struggle is a beauty in itself, and the victory will be all the sweeter because of victory is yours, if you have the will for it. research and data. a nation that venerates its ancestors, but lives for its offspring. voting is mob rule and mob rule is media rule and media rule is corporate rule ngos are directly involved in the genocide of the european people beholden to no one and hiding their true intent behold a faux-religious facade, these ngo groups ferry the invaders to european shores aboard their own vessels, directly shipping this vast army straight into european nations to plunder, rape and ethnically displace the native european people. these events turned my thoughts from pursuing a democratic, political solution and finally caused the revelation of the truth, that a violent, revolutionary solution is the only possible solution to our current crisis. i am only wary of those cultures with higher fertility rates replacing others. in the western world this is roughly 2.06 births per woman.
when they ask why, you tell them why. as these baby boomers pass on and leave us behind, there will be a rapid and obvious change in the demographic make up of our nations, both statistically and socially. won β t your attack result in calls for the removal of gun rights from whites in the united states? i could no longer bring the sneer to my face, i could no longer turn my back on the violence. did/do you have ties to any other partisans/freedom fighters/ethno soldiers? the result is obvious.