Anonymous ID: 7af706 March 5, 2021, 3 p.m. No.13132747   🗄️.is 🔗kun

more skilled and courageous? ebba was walking to meet her mother after school, when she was murdered by an islamic attacker, driving a stolen vehicle through the shopping promenade on which she was walking. the truth that they are expected not to combat these myriad, unending and dedicated interlopers, but to embrace them, accept their own disenfranchisement, accept the loss of their fathers lands, their own impoverishment, their own replacement. research and data. finding their people, finding their traditions, seeing through the lies of history, the brainwashing of the institutions and they angry, they are energized and yes, against their degenerate societies, they are radicalized. if we wait until the majority of the boomers begin to pass (between 2028-2038 depending on individual nations and life expectancies) than it will be too little, too late. to antifa/marxists/communists i do not want to convert you, i do not want to come to an understanding. finally i would like to send a message to the perpetrators of these attacks, and their families. it wasn ’ t even close. i mostly agree with sir oswald mosley ’ s views and consider myself an eco-fascist by nature. as only in times of radical change and social discomfort can great and terrific change occur.


were/are you a nazi? their number uncountable, the representation of their loss unfathomable. accept death, embrace infamy, achieve victory numbers aren ’ t everything in 2019, we currently have the largest number of people of our race in history (between 760-980million depending on definitions), yet we are losing even our smallest towns to ethnic replacement. i could no longer ignore the attacks. pedophile politicians, pedophile priests and pedophile pop stars, demonstrating to all the true depravity of our age. meanwhile the “ diverse ” nations across the world are scenes of endless social, political, religious and ethnic conflict.

> group ordered my attack, i make the decision myself.