Yes, and to plead not guilty.The attack was a partisan action against a occupying force, and I am a lawful, uniformed combatant. VOTING IS MOB RULE AND MOB RULE IS MEDIA RULE AND MEDIA RULE IS CORPORATE RULE NGOs are directly involved in the genocide of the European people Beholden to no one and hiding their true intent behold a faux-religious facade, these NGO groups ferry the invaders to European shores aboard their own vessels, directly shipping this vast army straight into European nations to plunder, rape and ethnically displace the native European people. If not me, then who? Make your plans, get training, form alliances, get equipped and then act. Because the “ x ” groups can be dealt with in time, but the high fertility immigrants will destroy us now, soon it is a matter of survival we destroy them first. Yes. We must excel, both personally and as a society. Expect death, expect struggle, expect loss that you will never forget. Was there any reason you attacked that (those) mosque (s) in particular? This time can not be relied on for a beginning of the rebellion, only utilized as a final stage of energy and escalation to finalize our capture of power. Force is power.
What matters is your actions during the brief time between birth and death. They were attacks on my people, attacks on my culture, attacks on my faith and attacks on my soul. RETAKE THE CITIES, RETAKE YOUR BIRTHRIGHT Support Your Brother Nations When one country moves, you move with them, support them financially, politically, socially and physically. Rampant urbanization and industrialization, ever expanding cities and shrinking forests, a complete removal of man from nature, with the obvious results. Diversity is anathema to equality. They are finally removing their blindfolds and seeing the reality of the the world and their peoples future.