Anonymous ID: 5562ff March 5, 2021, 2:35 p.m. No.13130376   🗄️.is 🔗kun

the going will be tough and many of us will die. all possibility of expression and belief was open to be taught, discussed and spoken. whilst the immigrants were young, energized and with large families and many children. more recently i have been working part time as a kebab removalist. that isn ’ t a question. when you see them; when you hear them; you will know them, as they are you, and yours. break it ’ s back, anyway you can. they decry weakness, mock fecklessness and worship strength, and in this worship of strength they radicalize and find the solution. my parents are of scottish, irish and english stock. though wise men at their end know dark is right, because their words had forked no lightning they do not go gentle into that good night. overcome us?


no one will willfully join the decay green nationalism is the only true nationalism there is no conservatism without nature, there is no nationalism without environmentalism, the natural environment of our lands shaped us just as we shaped it. yes, and it seems we immigrants seem to bring a whole host of issues. is it not preferable to die in war rather than suffer any longer so horrible a spectacle? who would willing leave their own strong, dominant and rising culture to join an elderly, decaying, degenerate culture? no, i am not afraid of islam, only that, due to its high fertility rates, it will grow to replace other peoples and faiths. no, the attack was not an attack on diversity, but an attack in the name of diversity.

>the risk is too great.

Anonymous ID: 5562ff March 5, 2021, 2:36 p.m. No.13130620   🗄️.is 🔗kun

research and data. democracy is mob rule and the mob itself is ruled by our enemies. if we want to radically and fundamentally change society, then we need to radicalize society as much as possible. do not fret on the manner of how victory is achieved, all methods are possible, in the face of ethnic genocide, all morality is ambiguous. why won ’ t somebody do something? better for you to face them now then your kin to face them in the future. weak men have created this situation and strong men are needed to fix it. you can not expect others do take the risks for you, nor should you wish for others to labour for you, if you are unwilling. a. compliments will get you no where. young, innocent and dead ebba. for the disgrace you have heaped upon the european people and the distress you have caused to european women, you will die.


the idea that a frenchmen need not speak the language, share the culture, believe in the same god or even more importantly be ethnically french is ludicrous in the extreme. there is no traditionalism without environmentalism kill high profile enemies there are well known enemies of our nations, enemies of our race that freely walk through our societies, heads held high, believing themselves untouchable. do you believe you are better than these men? is there a particular person that radicalized you the most? which i do not mind. the europe of the future is not one of concrete and steel, smog and wires but a place of forests, lakes, mountains and meadows.

>ignore the naysayers and weasels who will always repeat “ not now!

Anonymous ID: 5562ff March 5, 2021, 2:36 p.m. No.13130725   🗄️.is 🔗kun

many, one thing that can be said about the current state of the west is that we live in a target rich environment, traitors and enemies abound. depending on the definition, sure. one can not exist with the other. there is no traditionalism without environmentalism kill high profile enemies there are well known enemies of our nations, enemies of our race that freely walk through our societies, heads held high, believing themselves untouchable. australia, just like the rest of the colonies of europe, is simply an off-shoot of the european people. but it is no simple task.there are myriad reasons behind the decline in fertility rates and the destruction of the traditional family unit. to maintain a population the people must achieve a birthrate that reaches replacement fertility levels. to ensure the existence of our people and a future for white children, whilst preserving and exulting nature and the natural order. it should come as no shock that european men, in every nation, and on every continent are turning to radical notions and methods to combat the social and moral decay of their nations and the continued ethnic replacement of their people. the media of the world will be used against you, the education system of the rulers will be used against you, the financial power of the worlds corporations will be used against you, the military and legislative might of the un, the eu and nato itself will be used against you and even your own, previously corrupted, religious leaders will be used against you. that difference was ebba akerlund.


i had seen enough, and in anger, drove out of the the town, refusing to stay any longer in the cursed place and headed on to the next town. to take revenge for ebba akerlund. to continue on without our culture, but still own our lands, is a defeat. worker ownership of the means of production? why should others fight for you if you are not willing to fight for yourself? no.

>to christians “ the people worthy of glory, the people blessed by god our lord, moan and fall under the weight of these outrages and most shameful humiliations.