Dear Anons,
Dr. Seuss is a child’s first exposure to poetry.
As a child’s vocabulary expands they discover more and more words that rhyme.
They will attempt to rhyme every word they know.
At first this is cute and then it becomes insufferable.
However, the great pride of accomplishment they experience when the rhyme works is matched by your admiration for their success.
All children continue the construction of rhymes as they age.
Some children go on to write poetry / songs.
Some of these children continue to refine the skills necessary to construct a functional song / poem.
Some of these children become successful in writing songs / poems.
By cancelling Dr. Seuss they are cancelling the impetus that gave these writers the individual drive to pursue their endeavors.
By cancelling Dr. Seuss they are cancelling songs, poems and music itself.
My question is this.
Where are the song writers, the rappers, the singers, the musicians?
Why are they not singing the praise of Dr. Seuss and calling out the cancellation of their thoughts, their ideas and their purpose?
Their tiny soy soaked libtard brains think that if they tow the line that they will be safe. They cannot comprehend that they are on the list in the culture of cancel.
They are cowards.
They are showing us that they are nothing but wet ass pussies.