what are your wishes? the truth of the political situation in europe was suddenly impossible to accept.my despair set in.my belief in a democratic solution vanished. everything else is just a catchphrase. the truth that they are left, alone, an individual in a society worshiping the cult of the individual, to respond against an influx of outsiders from all corners of the world. we must crush immigration and deport those invaders already living on our soil. yes, but death was a definite possibility. do not go gentle into that good night. a. compliments will get you no where. a path focusing on nature and respect for the environment, traditions, families, workers rights and personal and racial responsibilities. you will find no reprieve, not in iceland, not in poland, not in new zealand, not in argentina, not in ukraine, not anywhere in the world. traitors deserve a traitors death.
above all, just don ’ t be stale, placid and boring. for example, actions such as voting for political candidates that radically change or challenge entrenched systems, radicalizing public discourse by both supporting, attacking, vilifying, radicalizing and exaggerating all societal conflicts and attacking or even assassinating weak or less radical leaders/influencers on either side of social conflicts. the media will paint you as villains, the state will name you as traitors, the globalist forces will name you as criminals and the traitors amongst your people will name you as enemies. in every country, on every continent, those that are in the minority are oppressed. do these groups hold power/who are the people in these groups? children of invaders do not stay children, they become adults and reproduce, creating more invaders to replace your people.they grow up and vote against your peoples own wishes, for the interests of their own people and identity.
>the total number of people in these organizations is in the millions, the total number of groups in the thousands.