goodbye, god bless you all and i will see you in valhalla. the nation? finally, to create conflict between the two ideologies within the united states on the ownership of firearms in order to further the social, cultural, political and racial divide within the united states.this conflict over the 2 nd amendment and the attempted removal of firearms rights will ultimately result in a civil war that will eventually balkanize the us along political, cultural and, most importantly, racial lines. this time can not be relied on for a beginning of the rebellion, only utilized as a final stage of energy and escalation to finalize our capture of power. depending on the definition, sure. no, i simply do not care all that much what gay people long as they are loyal to their people and place their peoples well being first, then i have no issues. this is ethnic replacement. we must crush immigration and deport those invaders already living on our soil. it will be distasteful, it will be damaging to the soul, but know that it is necessary and any invader you spare, no matter the age, will one day be an enemy your people must face. we must not be in a chaotic, life or death civil war at a time when our rival nations are at their peak of dominance. it is spoken like a mantra and repeated ad infinitum “ diversity is our greatest strength, diversity is our greatest strength, diversity is our greatest strength… ”.
section i addresses to various groups it was not part of their blood, it came to them very late, with long arrears to make good, when the saxon began to hate. as a policy maker and leader? without children, there is no future there is no democratic solution understand here and now, there is no democratic solution, any attempt to vote your way out of ethnic replacement will be met with at first with derision, then contempt and finally by force. not if you know what i know and want for what we want. we must ensure the existence of our people, and a future for white children. until these interlopers are repatriated to their peoples lands, then europe has no true sovereignty, and anyone, no matter their ethnicity or beliefs can call europe their own.
>think again, fucker.