drive them from your lands and give the traitors what traitors deserve: a traitors death. within a short time regular and widespread political, social and racial violence will commence. the attack was to ensure a preservation of beauty, art and tradition. more immigrants are choosing to retain their own healthy culture, year by year, and even more telling, our own people are beginning to join them, looking outside their own watered down and deteriorating culture to look for purpose and guidance from outside sources. make your plans, get training, form alliances, get equipped and then act. the race? driving toward the next french town on my itinerary, knowing that inevitably the invaders would also been there, i found my emotions swinging between fuming rage and suffocating despair at the indignity of the invasion of france, the pessimism of the french people, the loss of culture and identity and the farce of the political solutions offered. yes, until i am either killed, released or enough time passes and the greater situation is an obvious defeat of our people.then i will commit suicide, happy in the knowledge i did my best to prevent the death of my race. why you should risk nothing whilst others risk all? this rapid change in demography will bring about a time of crisis, as the reality of our possible ethnic replacement becomes obvious to all, even the naysayers. we can fight the armed invader, we know how, we have the ability, we have the soldiers and arms to do so.
in the end we must return to replacement fertility levels, or it will kill us. though i did contact the reborn knights templar for a blessing in support of the attack, which was given. i am not a direct member of any organization or group, though i have donated to many nationalist groups and have interacted with many more. move as one, full support for brother nations accept death, embrace infamy death is certain, you may die in service to some grand crusade or pass away in a hospice, either way you will die. nor should you, why should you have peace when your other brothers in europe face certain war? no.