whether that is by encouraging and pushing increases to the minimum wage; furthering the unionization of workers; increasing the native birthrate and thereby reducing the need for the importation of labour; increasing the rights of workers; pushing for the increase in automation or advancement of industrial labour replacement or any other tactic that is available. you are a bigot, racist, xenophobe, islamophobe, nazi, fascist! the weaker we become the more immigrants will refuse to join us, refuse to partake in the cultural suicide that we extol. over a great deal of time, from a great deal of places. but you won ’ t. above all, just don ’ t be stale, placid and boring. let us all weep for our faults that raise the divine ire, yes, let us weep… but let not our tears be like the seed thrown into the sand. as these baby boomers pass on and leave us behind, there will be a rapid and obvious change in the demographic make up of our nations, both statistically and socially. many, one thing that can be said about the current state of the west is that we live in a target rich environment, traitors and enemies abound. the time for meekness has long since passed, the time for a political solution has long since passed. religion?
it was not preached to the crowd, it was not taught by the state. ebba death at the hands of the invaders, the indignity of her violent demise and my inability to stop it broke through my own jaded cynicism like a sledgehammer. they run over the weak and the elderly, they seize the children from their mothers so that they might forget, among the barbarians, the name of god. now let us bury it and move on to something of worth. you are nothing to me but just another target. kill the rapists, hang their families diversity is weak why is diversity said to be our greatest strength?
>the internet, of course.